Letters It Takes A Big Man
Sir: On 12 October 1991 I wrote a letter to The Spectator taking issue with Stephen Robinson's critique of President Bush's for- eign policy and accusing him of paying too much......
Eye Of The Beholder
Sir: It was with great interest that I read your article 'Not always blessed are the peacemakers' (31 October). Along with Rigoberta Menchu's well- deserved award, this article......
The Price Of Health
Sir: Simon Courtauld has good reason for his dissatisfaction with Bupa, but the case he goes on to make in 'A pain in the wallet' (14 November) has disturbing implications.......
Happy To Oblige
Sir: Poor Charles Moore (Another voice, 21 November) may not necessarily find a Catholic priest who will help him out on the matter of priestesses and Church authority: a recent......