At the Mansionbouse, yesterday, a gentleman presented a petition to
the Lord Mayor, praying him to forbid the illumination on the night of the 9th of November. The petition was signed by 180 persons, of whom 130 were householders in the line of procession. They wished the precedent of 1832 to be followed, when, instead of an illumination for the passing of the Reform Bill, almshouses were erected. The applicant then spoke in strong terms against the folly and danger of an illumination. The Lord Mayor intimated that he was opposed to an illumination himself, but the public feeling was so strong as to out- weigh all sober considerations. The Bank and Post-office and other public buildings would be lighted up, and probably the petitioners would illuininate their houses to avoid the consequences of offending the people. But the proper person to apply to was the Lord Mayor Elect, who would enter on his office on the Sth of November. The Lord Mayor Elect soon appeared, and read a resolution of the Common Council recommending a general illumination. In his opinion, the re- commendation should be made known to the inhabitants ; but he would consult the Police Committee on the subject as soon as possible.. Within the last fortnight, upwards of twenty houses in the line of the procession, that were untenanted, have been let on terms very favourable to the landlords ; the parties who have taken the premises expecting to clear half-a-year's rent, or more, on the 9th of Novem- ber. In one instance, the occupier of a house in one of the best situations has received earnest of more than 601, for the use of his three floors.—Standard.
There is a report current, with respect to which many persons are rather sceptical, namely, that a lady of rank has offered to present any charitable institution in the City, to be recommended by the Lord Mayor, with 10001., on condition of being accommodated with a seat at the Lord Mayor's feast at the ladies' table; which offer has been re- j ect ed !—Morning Herald.
The Duke of Wellington has accepted the invitation of the City authorities to the dinner at the Guildhall on the 9th of November. Lord Stanley and Sir James Graham have, it is said, declined the in- vitation.
We have the authority of one of the first banking-houses in the City for stating that the bankers propose sending out for payment, on the Sth of November, such bills as are due on the 9th of November, and not addressed "payable at bankers," to ufford the parties the option
of paying them. The bankers also intend to limit their transactions at the to half-past two, instead of four o'clock as - usual..—Post.
The Lord Chancellor has appointed eleven o'clock in the forenoon, on Thursday next, to receive the Lord Mayor Elect, and signify her Majesty's approbation of the choice made by the Livery of London ; after which ceremony, the Lord Chancellor will give the usual break- fast to the Judges, Queen's counsel, &c. at his residence in Bruton Street ; it being the tirst day of Michaelmas Term.