28 OCTOBER 1837, page 3
The Court Of Common Pleas Was Occupied For Some Time
on Wed- nesday with the trial of an action for libel, brought by Mr. Easthope, M. P. and one of the proprietors of the Morning Chronicle, against Mr. Charles Molloy Westmacott,......
The Marylebone Vestry, On Saturday, Resolved To Apply To The
Lord Chancellor to appoint a Magistrate who would assist the Vestry in parochial effairs, as at present great inconvenience existed from the want of a cordial coliperation with......
Tte (atintrg.
The members of the North Durham Reform Society dined together in Durham, on Tuesday week. Lord Durham, patron of the society, Mr. Hutt, Mr. Bowes, Sir William Chaytor, Mr.......