The Marylebone Vestry, on Saturday, resolved to apply to the
Lord Chancellor to appoint a Magistrate who would assist the Vestry in parochial effairs, as at present great inconvenience existed from the want of a cordial coliperation with the County Magistrates.
A spirited discussion has taken place between the Liberal and Con. servative members of the Marylebone Literary Institution, as to the propriety of placing the Dublin Review, to which Mr. O'Connell is a great contributor, on the reading-room tables. It was at length re- ferred to the Committee, who have unanimously rejected it.—Post. [More shame to the Committee ! They must be afraid of the Dublin Beriew.i Messrs. T. Wiggin and Co., the American commission-merchants, who lately suspended payment, have sent a letter to the Times, stating their surplus capita!, after payment of all demands, at upwards of 425,0004 A correspondent of the Times complains that the following old footpaths have been cut off by the Birmingham Railway,—that from Chalk Farm to Hampstead ; that from Kilburn Lane towards Harles. don Green ; that from a lane leading from Harlesdon Green to the Harrow Road ; and that leading from Hampstead to Kensington Gravel-pits. This is said to be done under the authority of a clause which they have contrived to obtain for crossing unnecessary footpaths. The footpath from Chalk Farm to Camden Town is also destroyed, without any substitute being provided. These obstructions, it is ob- served, fortn a very insignificant portion of similar inconveniences to pedestrians by railways.