At the Middlesex registration, the Overseers made 838 objections, and
sustained 740; the Liberals 1,664, and sustained 430 ; the Tories L6S5, and sustained 523. There is no list of the claims substantiated by either party; so that the statement is incomplete.
The above is the Liberal account of the result of the Middlesex registration ; but the Tory )tapers give a very different result ; stating the Tory objections sustained to be 769 out of 1,370, and the Liberal objections sustained only 266 out of 1,627.
The Tories chum to have gained 477 votes in Marykbone by the revision.
Mr. O'Connell has accepted an invitation from the Working Men's Association to a public dinner, to take place in November next. In his reply to the letter of the Secretary of the Association, Mr. O'Con- nell say,—
" 1 am right glad to find any symptom of vitality amongst the friends of real reform in England. it seems to me clear as the sun at noon-day that the pre. sent constituency in that country have proved themselves totally inadequate to form a sufficient cheek to the peculating and oppressive designs of your Tory aristocraey. The suffrage mu-t be extendel, or you have no guarantee for any portion at public liberty. The voters mast be protected from corruption and intimidation by the Ballot, and the duration of Parliament will then necessarily he she' timed ; but unless the votets are ports:tett by being able to escape the direct tyranny of landlords and employers, it will be vain to expect that great wealth and power elintild not control the acts of the voters, and give to their tasionasters that choice which ought to belong to the voters themselves"