The amount of bullion in the Bank of England, which, according to the statement made public on Saturday last, was upwards of 6,800,0001., has been further increased this week, by a considerable arrival of gold from the Conti- nent. The importations are principally from Paris and Hamburg ; from the former, bar gold has been received, and from the latter coin, principally Russian, of the description called Imperials, which are of about the same value as the French 20 franc pieces. This circumstance has imparted considerable firmness to the Money Market ; and in the early part of the week, Consols for Acceunt were as high as 934, some very large purchases having occurred in them. These operations are said to have been undertaken on behalf of the Bank of England, the Ditectors of which find great difficulty in obtaining employment for their capital in the discount of commercial bills, at 5 per cent., their present rate of interest ; and as they are understood to be averse to the reduction of it at present, they are seeking an outlet for their surplus in the purchase of Stock. The rise thus produced has had the effect of bringing Stock to market, and a reaction of about 1 per cent, has since occurred. Great pains have been taken lately to bring prominently forward the difficulties under which the American mercantile houses are suffering ; and many exaggerated statements have appeared as to the small dividends which will be recoverable from the estates of those firms that have been compelled to suspend their pay- ments: we are happy to be enabled to state, that there is little doubt that the three chief houses, viz. Messrs. WILDER, Wioniss, and Wits° x and Co. will ulti- mately be enabled to liquidate all claims upon them. Messrs. Ma It ronrua N s and Veen CRS, the Indian firm, who suspended payment a few months ago. have issued a circular stating that they will pay in full in the course of next month ; and another firm of less note, who also stopped during the period of (Ikaster, hive already paid 15s. in the pound on the amount of their liabilities. If proof were wanting of the honest intention of the American merchants, it may be found in the large amount of specie shipped by them to this country ; which amounts since June last to nearly 15,000,000 dollars of declared ex port; and if we may credit a report recently made public, the surreptitious ship- ment of bullion at New York has been of equal amount: so that the whole amount of precious metals imported from the United States into Great Bri- tain, do ring the period referred to, has been nearly 30,000,000 of dollars, or 6,000,000/. sterling. In the Foreign Market, some transactions have occured in Brazilian Stock, at a reduced quotation of 1 per cent. By an official statement recently received front Rio, it appears that the Government has incurred a debt of 144,000/. to its agents here, for advances made towards the payment of the Dividends on its foreign loans; and to provide for that amount, and cover other deficiencies in the revenue, occasioned by the disturbed state of the Northern provinces, espe- cially Para, the Minister of Finance proposed to issue 350,000/. local stock. Sonic sales of the Bonds took place here on the receipt of this document, and the result has been the depression alluded to. Both Spanish and Portuguese Bonds have declined in price; but have both recovered slightly from the lowest point iif depreseion. The question of the payment of the Dividend upon the latter Stock is still in uncertainty ; but there is a report to-day that the Government will issue debentures for the amount of the dividend payable in June next; such debentures to be in the mean time receivable at par, in payment of duties at Lishan and Oporto.
The Northern Continental Stocks are at higher prices, in consequence of the me in Consols.
The impulse which was recently given to the South American Bonds seems to have died away ; and they are all lower.
The Railway Shares are almost entirely neglected : some inquiry has oc. cured after the shares of the United Brighton lines, at an improvement of about 10s. per share.
SATURDAY. TWELVE o'Cr.ocrr. Very little business lias occurred here this morning, and prices generally are the same as yesterday. Intelligence has reached Lloyd's this morning of the arrival Of the Blonde frigate from the Pacific. She brings 1,300,000 dollars on mer- chants' account. We are net aware that she brings any news of importance ; at least the markets for South American Stock have not been affected by her arrival, these Securities being steady at the following prices. Buenos Ayres 20 to 22; Chili 30 to 32; Colombians 241r to 25; Mexican 261 71; Per ur;ian 19.20. The Brighton Railway Shares are quoted d; all others are at no. mina! prices.
Consols close per cent. higher ; the price for Money being 03 Inner s, all for Account 9'34. Portuguese Stocks are lower ; the Five per Cents. *being 33 to 4, and the 'three per Cents. 2211 23. Spanish Stock is also lower. The Bnghton Railway Shares are rather higher, and may he quoted at 11. 15s. per share. Almost all other descriptions of Stuck clove as in the moruing.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account
3 per Cent. Reduced New 3S per Cent. Ann,
Bank Stock India Stuck Ditto Bonds Exchequer Bills
Belgian 5 per Cents.
921 3 93
1001 2114 263 53 55 51 53 l031 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents
Dutch 24 per Cents Portuguese Regency Sp. Ctn Ditto 3 per Cent.
aussisn ( 11322)5 per Cent
Spanislt (1335)5 per Cent Defeired Stock Passive Ditto .. 833 ..
n* 2
334 4 . 34 4 23 a 110 4 20 it 64 4 44 4