More rumours imply something like a crisis in Italy :
may it turn to good account! The Paris Rifornie has a letter from Trieste, of the 18th instant, which states that a strong body of Austrian troops actually had advanced to the Roman frontier ; while a French fleet was looked for at Ancona, to balance the Austrian intervention. In the mews time, the Papal Government is indiscreet enough to enforce oppressive financial measures ; venturing on money-oppression, which makes po- litics intelligible to all classes! The Morning Chronicle throws some light on the theory of these
movements. Austria and France have been exhorting Rome to more moderation in the government of its subjects; but the Papal Court con- ceived nothing but offence in that very judicious advice, and rebuffed its counsellors, apparently with discourtesy. As a diversion, work is found for the meddlers in their own dominions : ecclesiastical tur- bulence is excited by Rome in Switzerland, to occupy Austria; and in France, Cardinal Bonald, Archbishop of Lyons, is instructed to pick a quarrel with the French University.