Free Trade Makes Way, Corn-law Repeal Especially. The...
Loudon has elected Mr. PATTISON, the candidate of the Anti- Corn-law League ; and in doing so, has not only " pronounced" for Free Trade, but has set an example likely to......
The Foreign News Is Not Of Great Moment This Week.
Italy is for the time the point of interest. Some would have had it believed that all was quiet in that quarter; but, while we learn from Italy itself that the disorder again......
'itt Court.
THE Queen and Prince Albert have made the intended visit to Cam- bridge University. They left Windsor Castle, in a pony carriage-and- four, at twenty minutes put eight o'clock......
A Smaller Special Point—a Little Matter Of Legal...
attracted notice. The Government short-hand-writer, Mr. HUGHES, whose report furnished the ground for the warrant against O'CONNELL and his associates under prosecution, had......