ARRIVED.—At Gravesend, 25th Oct. Abberton, Catt, from China. Off Portsmouth, 26th, Camieu. Clucas, from Singapore. Off Falmouth, 24th, Spencer, Birkitt. from Manilla; and Lord Hungerford, Pigott, from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 23d, Briton's Queen, Smith, from Bombay ; and 26th, Glenview, Latter. from ditto. At Cape of Good Hope, 9th Aug. Asiatic, Barlow ; and Hindostan. Redman, from Loudon; 10th, Nestor. Stewart ; and Royal Saxon, Crawford, from ditto; and 11th, Mercury. Lawson, from Glasgow. At Bombay. previous to 6th September, Larkins, Hibbert ; and Tartar. Lure, from Loudon; Herculean. Gibson ; Mary Stoddart, M‘Neil ; Peruvian, Pit. kethly ; Duke of Wellingt.a, Hargreaves; Lucy Sharp, M•Fie; Carthaginian, Jacks; and Circassian, Marshall. from Liverpool. At Ceylon, previous to 12th Aug. Emerald. Peterkiu ; and Venus, —, from Loudon; Hindley, Grierson ; and Potter, Sadler, from Liverpool ; Gauges, Gibson ; and Vulcan, Patrick, from New- castle. At Calcutta, previous to 17th Aug. Timandra, Skinner; Tanjore, Stewart; Semarang, Aldham ; Martin Luther, Palmer; and Alexander, Ramsay, from London ; Syren, Hosken ; Princess Royal, Hoodless; and Brooke, Carpenter, from Liverpool; and Flora Kerr, BP Pherson, from the Clyde. At Anjer, 11th June, Elephants, Ross, from Liverpool; and 17th July, Wellington, Deming, from Ditto. SAILED —From Liverpool, 224 Oct. Sam, Taylor, from Ceylon ; and 26th, John
Bibby, Cawkett; and Liverpool. BP Dowell. for China. SATURDAY MORNING. ARRIVED—At Portsmouth, 27th Oct Nautilus, Simpson, from Algoa Bay. Off Port- land, Ditto, Erin, Maine. from Calcutta; and Elizabeth and Jane, Hart. from Latin. ceston. Off Liverp KA, 26th Ditto, Bland, Callan ; Livingstone, Rickerty ; andTamer- lane, M'Kenzie, from Calcutta.
SAILED—From Liverpool, 27th Oct. James Matheson, Cushing, for China; and Jumna. Kerr, for Calcutta.
The Cape Packet. Lamb, from London to Cape of Good of Hope. put into Dart- mouth, 26th Oct. with loss of bowsprit, bulwarks, stancheons, &c.; having been run into by a ship (supposed an American) off the Eddystone Lighthouse. The Mercury, Lawson. from the Clyde to Ceylon and Madras, arrived at the Cape of Good Hope, 11th Aug. with loss of foremast, main and mizentopmasts, &c.