28 OCTOBER 1843, Page 20


Tuesday, Oct. 24.


Stebbing and Co. Clement's Lane, merchants —Artingstall and Beaumont, Latch- ford, Cheshire, wire-manufacturers—Peckham and Co. Brighton, ironmongers- Chaffey and Jackson, Queen Street, Cheapside, warehousemen —Woolhouse and Co. Kirkbeaton, cotton dyers—Inwood and Coates. Brunswick Row, Westminster, sta- tioners—Arlett and Richardson, Croydon Common. farmers—Purdie and Barns. Atta- lla, Asia Minor. merchants—Stripling and Liuton, Liverpool. sail-makers—Taylor and Sprigg, Coventry, mercers —Pockett and Bates. Deal, catch-proprietors—Leather and Styles, Birmingham. stompers —Taylor and Stormont'. Shiffuall, steel.manufacturers; as far as regards W. Taylor—Kirk and Heathcott, Sheffield. edge-tool manufacturers; as farce regards C. Heatheott—Gladstone and Crosbie, Liverpool, ironfounders—Milne and Co. Glasgow, merchants; as far as regards A. Milne.


Groom, Loug Buckby Top Locks, Northamptonshire, smith—Simmons. Hadley, Irush.dealer—Standfield, Chichester, out of business—Brown, Webb's Place, White. chapel, porter—Plummer, Bland'sTerrace, Dover Road, plant-broker—Bowring, Bath. coachmaker—Ricket, Prince's Terrace. Islington, beer retailer — Knowles, Bewdley Forest, Worcestershire, labourer—Evaus, St. Ann's Road, Brixton, out of business- Clewes. Kidderminster, grocer — Jones, Ruabon. Denbighshire, farmer—Fawkner, Kidderminster, furniture dealer—French, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire, out of business —Dean, Bury, victualler - Hall. Sheffield, razor manufacturer—Garland, Woodchester, Gloucestershire, out of business — Shapeup. Southampton. M.A.— Parlett, North Wel:them, Norfolk, coal-merchant—Cubist, North Waltham. Norfolk, coal-merchant — Scott, Manchester. porter—Marshall, Nottingham, machine-maker—Richardson. Nor- wich, baker—Neale, Great Titchdeld Street, upholsterer— Warburton, Liverpool.

ailor-Hitehins, Vauxhall Street, artist-Morison. Gibson Square. Islington, clerk- sown, Haverstock Hill, clerk -Here, Deptford, inspector-Holt. Newman Street. jeweller.


RAINS, Joan, South Shields. Durham, grocer, to surrender Nov. 1. Dee. 11 : solici- tors. Mr. Hodson. Broad Street Buildings; Messrs. Keenlyside and Hark, Newcastle• upon-Tyne; and Mr. Wilson, South Shields; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. Dormix, THOMAS, Cambridge. victualler. Nov, 2. 30: solicitors. Mesas. Clark and Davidson, Essex Street. Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry. Goose, WILLIAM BENJAMIN, Newport Pagnel, grocer. Nov. 6, Dec. 6: solicitors, Sutton and Co. Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basingliall Street. HARRIS, Moanecat, Swansea, draper, Nov. 7, Dec. 5: solicitors. Messrs White and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Brittaiu and Son. Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Bristol. Wainer, THOMAS. Blackmore Street, Clare Market. cheesemonger, Nov.?. Dec. 5: solicitors, Messrs. Morgans, Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Turquaud, Old Jewry.


Nov. 16, Winter, Regent Street, milliner-Nov. 16, Badcock, Shrovenham. Berk- shire, grocer-Nov. 16, A. and J. Phillips, Whitechapel Road, window-glass cutters- Nov. 14, Hobson. Carlisle, mercer-Nov. 15. Allison, Darlington, scrivener - Nov. 21. Harriet. Ormskirk, beer-brewer-Nov. 21, Bugglen, Prestatyn, Flintshire, alkali. manufacturer-Nov. 16. Bourse. Liverpool, cotton-broker-Nov. 15. Parry. Mold, Flintshire, draper-Nov. 23, Groucock. Leicester, builder - Nov. 23, Caparn. Alfreton, Derbyshire. common-brewer-Nov. 18, Hall and Raiubow. Stratford-upon-Avon, corn- merchants-Nov. 14. Tams. Shelton, Staffordshire, earthenware manufacturer-Nov. 14, 1. and T. Harriman, Nottingham, drapers- Nov. 16, Lafargue, Great St. Helen's, merchant.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Nov. 14, Hoskins, John Street, Bedford Row, ledging-house-keeper-Nov. 16, Fos- ter, Leicestershire, tanner-Nov. 16, Blanks, Rochemit Essex, draper-Nov. 15, Mease, Hutton, Yorkshire. flax-spinner-Nov. 14. Allison, Darlington, scrivener-Nov. 16, Whiteley, Liverpool. hatter-Nov. 16, Wilkiuson, Dudley, Worcestershire, vice. maker-Nov. 18. Fairfax. Leamington Priors, printer. Ti, be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nov.14. Carr, South Shields, grocer-Parker and Co. Leeds, dyers -Hedderley, Notting- ham. druggist- Milieu and Walsh, Over Darwen, Lancashire, paper-makers-Wood. Manchester, baker.


Bell. Liverpool, linendraper ; second div of 51d. on Nov.2, or any subsequent Thurs- day ; Mr. Cazeuove, Liverpool-Tapscott, Minehead, Somersetshire, coal-merchant ; final div. of 3s. 81d. any day after Nov. 6; Mr. Heruaman, Exeter-Cock, Plymouth, linendraper ; final div. of 2s. 104d. any day after Nov. 1; Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter-Lyndon, Snipes, Devonshire, corn-factor; div. of 3s. ou new proofs, and final div. of 8d. on all, any day alter Nov. 1 ; Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter-Adams, Tutees, merchant; first and final div. of 30.; arty day after Nov. 1 ; Mr. Hirtzel. Exeter -Eardley, Exeter,chiva. dealer ; first div. of 7s. any day after Nov. 1; Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter.


ANDERSON, hams, Edinburgh, banker. Oct. 30, Nov. 18. CAMPBELL. WILLIAM, Greenock, gunmaker, Oct. 30, Nov. 27. Came, DAVID, Dundee, glazier, Oct. 31, Nov. 21. °trainmen( and Co.' Greenock. merchants. Oct. 31. Nov. 21. Taomosam and SONS, Leith merchants, Oct. 31, Nov. 18.


Price and Brown, Tamworth. wine-merchants- Fidkin and Wilkes, Haymarket, tailors-Wood and Co. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. wood-carvers-Myers and Co. Aldgate. comb-makers-Moses and Co. Leadenhall Street, bristle dealers ; as far as regards Myers - Archer and Porter,Lisson Grove, confectioners-Downing and Foley, Rowley Regis. Staffordshire. coal-masters-Bradbury and Doody, Newport, Salop. auctioneers- Dight and Co. Bristol, hosiers-Margerison and Co. Manchester, bleach- ers; as far as regards Glover-Brampton and Sou, Leicester. glove-manufacturers- Millard and Cher, Montague Mews, Russell Square. liv ery stable-keepers-Stoddart ad Boycot, Kidderminster, carpet manufacturers-Bregazzi and Hewes, Kingston- qpon•Hull ale-merchants - Ridsdale and Williamson, Leeds, blanket-merchants- Pinchbeck and Sy er, Atherstone, Warwickshire. school inistresses-Robiuson and Holme, Liverpool. cabinet-makers-Sleigh and Co. Alie Street, Whilechapel, sugar- refiners-Hedges and Budd, Reading, bargemastera-Roberts and Co. Whitby. stone-


Ricket, Prince's Terrace. Islingtoo, retailer of beer-Fulloon, Great Carter Lane, attorney-Peat, Patriot Square, Bethnal Green, merchauts clerk- Irwin, Jermyn Street, no business- Billison, Walton, Lancashire, insurance-broker - Cummius, George Street, lately a dairy man-Bilson, Bury SL Edmund's, gunmaker-Ellison, Chorley, Lancashire, farmer - Chapman, Cullum Street, cooper-Mathews, Goswell Street, stamper. General Post office - Cox, Wolverhampton. out of busiuess-Mercier, Feeley Road, Kenniugton, schoolmaster-Taylor, Oldham, Lancashire, book-keeper-Row- land, Manchester, commission-agent-Brown, Coduor Park. Derbyshire, forge-manager -Thomas, Bristol, accountant -Askham , Long Cliff, Yorkshire. lately a farmer - Jackson, New Ferry. Cheshire, mastermariuer-Hollingworth, Almondbury. York- shire, carpenter-Butterworth, Rochdale, stoueloason-Sumner, Chiswell Street, tailor.


ALLEN, Jong, Alfreton, Derbyshire, innkeeper.


nourdects, EDWARD, junior. Subdeauery. Sussex, potato-dealer, to surrender Nov. 7, Dec. 5: solicitors. Messrs. Stauiland and Long, Boils erie Street ; official assignee, Mr. Tnrquand, Old Jewry Chambers. FARRANT, JOHN Banos LEMAN. Maidstone. agricultural-machine•maker, Nov. 9. Dec. 5: solicitors, Messrs. Palmer and Co. Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Gra- ham, Coleman Street. GASKILL, WILLIAM BRIDOEWOOD, Birmingham, draper, Nov. 8, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Crossley and Sudlow, Manchester; official as- signee, Mr. Putt, Manchester. YOUD, ROBERT and RENNARDS, WILLIAM, Liverpool, cheese-factors, Nov. 10, rec. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Cornthwaite and Adams, Doctors Commons; and Mr. Cornthwaite, Liverpol ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Liverpool.


Nov. 17, Gilson, Bucklersbury, coffee-house-keeper- Nov. 17. Lancaster, Barge Yard, Bucklersbury. merchant-Nov. 17, Simmons and Co. Battersea, manufacturers of prussiate of potash-Nov. 21, Clarke, Strand, newspaper-vender-Nov. 18, Stick- land and Co. Newgate Market, cheesemongers-Nov. 18, Brown, Little Bowdeu. Northamptonshire, horsedealer-Nov. 18. Cooper. Drury Lane. irenfounder-Nov. 18. George, Bread Street, silk-manufacturer-Nov. 21, Whinfield. Newcastle.upon-Tyne, draper--Nov. 22, Higgins, Lancaster, scrivener-Nov. 23, Moliueux, Manchester, silk-manufacUrrer-Nov. 23, Daniell, Boulogne or elsewhere, copper-smelter-Nov. 24, Almond, Oriell, Lancashire, coal-dealer-Nov. 23, Fowler, Liverpool, merchant.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Nov. 18, Woollam, St. Alban's, silk.throwster- Nov. 18 Stevens, Britwell Salome, Oxfordshire, ironfounder- Nov. 18, Joues, Canterbury, victualler- Nov. 21, Page, Weedeu Beck, carpenter-Nov. 20, Bourne, Wolsiugham, Durham, scrivener-Nov, 18, Mason, Boston, Yorkshire, corn dealer-Nov. 21, Clarke and Co. Leicester, bankers- Nov U. E. and G. Thorneycroft, Wolverhampton, iron-manufacturers.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Noe. 17 Scott, Manchester, innkeeper-Walton, Crowland, heelwright-Hooley. Notting. ham, miller-Brown and Co. Prescot, balance-makers-Jeffcoat. East Harding Street, bookbinder-Seddon, West Bromwich, hollow- ware.mauufacturer-Walter, Oundle- grocer-J. and J. Baylis, Gutter Lane, crape manufacturers-Buggeln, Pretatyo, Flint. shire, alkali-manufacturer -Johnson, Little Abington, builder-Higgiubottom, Ashton, under-Lyrae, Lancashire, money-scrivener.


Carter, Halifax, Yorkshire, corn-miller ; diva, of 4s. and 2s. 84d.any Thursday after Oct. 26 ; Mr. Freeman, Leeds ; securities for debts to be produced to Mr. Payne, de- puty registrar-Ryland. Liverpool, tanner • first div. of 10Id. any Saturday. after Oct. 30; Mr. Bird Liverpool-Harrington, WOodbank, Cumberland, calico-printer ; first div. of 2s. 9d. ou Nov. 4. or any succeeding Saturday ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon- Tne-Harrington and 1Pattiuson, Woodbank. Cumberland, calico-printers; first div. of} 3s. 4d. on Nov. 4, or any succeeding Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne r-Shepherd, Liverpool. bootmaker; first div. of 2s. 63. ou Nov. 2, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Casenot e Liverpool-Jordan awl Magrath, Liverpool, merchants ; first div. of 4s. 2d. any Wednesday after Nov. 1; Mr. Follett, Liverpool. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION. DAVIDSON, P. and S., Dundee, fish-curers, Nov. 7, 27. M'Cawrie. W., Glasgow, merchant. Nov. 3.24. RANHTN. R., Glasgow, leather-cutter, Nov. 2, 30. WARDEN, J., and G., A., Glasgow, merchants, Nov. 1.22.