The fate of Franklin has this week received a new
and gloomy light. Thirty-five dead bodies, no doubt belonging to his party, have been discovered by Esquimau' near the mouth of the Great Fish River, on the North American continent. While the an- nouncement was at first received as settling the fate of the party, reflection has discovered that it still leaves the larger number un- accounted for, and has given a new impulse to searches for the other members of the party, for any records that they may have left behind, and for Captain Collinson who was still pursuing the original search. Collinson is known io have been well, and about ; to prosecute his explorations' as late as August 1.852. The bodies-4, of the Franklin party were discovered at a spot which indicated. their probable movements towards the West, and there are already volunteers for the new expedition. One is Dr. King, who as early as 1847 pointed out this very spot as-the pathtiby which to seek'. them ; and his view seems 'to be eonfirmed by he plan 'proposed by Dr. Rae. Others specifically named for particular offices are Richards, M'Clintock, Osborne, and lifeechara, officers of the ships which Sir Edward Belcher ordered home.