28 OCTOBER 1854, page 13
St. Leonards 1jpon Thames.
THE late Lord Chancellor St. Leonards has been defendin g the ri g hts of the subject, not as a jud g e, e, but as a private citizen in whom those ri g hts were assailed. Su......
The Bill-stamp Act.
G. N . n of the statutes passed t. la. has oneasioned-a lar g er aniOunt of perpleXity than any which we reiiiemberand. that is mo re than "sating is , g re e t -deal," when......
The Working Mews College.
THE opening of the Working Men's College is an event in the his- tory of .the Working Classes, as full of hope for the cpuntry as for-them. - * The want of such an institution......