MILITARY GAZETTE. • WAR-OFFICE, Oct. 27.-3d RegL of Light Drags.---T.
Hall, Gent, to be.Cornet, by purchase, vice Bond, whose appointment on Sept. 15th has been cancelled. 11th Light Dzage.—E. C. Cockburn, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Kelly, who retires, let or Grenadier Rev. of Foot Guards—Lieut. and Capt. and Brevet Major C. L. B. 31aitkind to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Cm:. deceased; Ensign and Lieut. the Hon. A. J. G. Ponsouby to be Limit. and Capt. without pur- chase, vice Maitland ; Ensign C. Gaseoigne, from the 76th Foot, to be Engage and Lieut. without purchase, rice. the Hon. A. J. G. Ponsonby. 19th Foot—W. G. D. Massy, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Phipps, deceased. 290 Foot- Capt. F. P. Harding to be Major, by purchase, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. D. IL Smith, who retires; Lieut. T. Young to be Capt. by put, vice Harding; Ensign B. IL Ellis to be LieuL by par. vice Toting; H. G. L. Campbell, Gent, to be Ensign. bY Put. vice Ellis. 23d Foot—Ensign W. Owen, from the 58th Foot, to be Ensign, without par. vice J. H. Butler, killed in action. 20th Foot—E. Kompson Gent. to be Ensign, by pair. 28th Foot—Ensign J. Belford to-be- Lieut. by purchase, vice Haworth, who retires; C. E. B. Leonard, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, viva Belford. 38d Foot —Ensign C. W. B. Sires to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Thistlethwaite, de- ceased ; Ensign-J..1. Greenwood to- be Lieut, without purchase, vice Sinn, whose promotion, without mucilage, on the 21st-Sept. 1854, has been-cancelled; Ensign J. R. Carr to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Worthington, died of his wounds ; H. Donovan, Gent. to be Ensign, without pureham, vice Siree; J. D. Johustone„Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice- Greenwood. 46th Foot--Lieut. Henry W. Sibley, from the 32d Foot, to be Paymaster, viceCartmail, appointed to 71s5 Foot. 58th Foot—E. St. J. Griffith,, Gent, to be Ensign, without pucolansis; *Soo Owen, appointed to the 23d Foot: 61st Foot—Ensign H. G. A. Vicars to- be- Lieut. by purehitee,.vice_ Lukis, who .retiree 11.. L. G. DicOrigor, Goa. be. Easeigno bv Capt.. alle;600;54,1whoexehlangari. if it,F0044-1Piiintister .LICatritailt I fain fie 46th and' Ashbyel Giiat to Streit; illiels.dralpleia-Ndd. 11,Wirlight)Bri tont-chi
Foot, to be Paymaster, vice.(Jrnisby, deceased. 77th fFoot-T. P. Ilarmy‘,Gent. to .--Nov.' 214 Brailsfor 'ottingliam, smaU, .20.: arker, M -..,
be.Rnsign„,without.purchaso; ; 88t11.7Foot,Lieut. N. Steevens to be Capt. by rpur- cheater, druggist-Nov. 21, BOrtkerHyde, Cheshire, innkeepen..deoe,,,20, view, chasei.vtoe Stopford. who retires; Ensign It. H. be .Lieut, by,pureliftee, vice. Disley,-Chesbires, cotton-spinner-Nov.:- 20; Smith, Liverpool, 'mereliant,-Nov. ii' Steeeens; Edward Hoptort,4:Ient.'to bed:logien, by purchase, vice Day. 9Sth Foot- • Jewitt and ,Micklewood, Plyincuth, stationers-Nor. 20, Qgalbe, Plymouth, builder' Assist.-Staff-Surg. W. Browne to be Su .1-g. vice Gordon, promoted on the Staff. • 96th CERT/FICATEs.-7h be 'granted. SalesS emus be shown to 'the eoneralt1Pie dal ,;:i POOttapt. k H. C. Snow:fit:unit/lb loot, to be Capt. vice AliddIctOn, who ex. • - nieefing.-Nov. 18, Novo= and Leadbetter, Charlton, Kent; traterproofee_ser. 1108141.41 Staff -Deputy-1118pector-Gencral of limpitillS A. Cumming to be In- /8, Tapling, Wood Street, Chcapside, carpet,warehouseinau -Nov. 21.-BoYace and speetor-CeneralnE „Elcsoitals ; Surg. A. Gordon, M.D. from the' 95th Foca, to be. sford, Cullum Street, merchants—Nor. 21, Knight, Wood Street, Cbeapside StaffiSur.. of the First Glass, vice Mitchell, -deceased ; Acting- Assist.-Surg. M. J. ' worsted-yarn-mantifaeterer-..Nov,.30 "Indic „s Gni.ter,Lane,tavern-heepet7,Nov ',1' Griffin to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces vice Brown, promoted in the 95th Foot. Cooper, Luddington, Northaffilltddillilii„kukd4dRAINOit. 20,' Wallet, fiEdg,g.' Assist-Staff-Surg, • D. Gleig, Ml). ; J. Johrigton, 31.0.; A..,trn.clicrs, , .,D.;„,Deale and lagett, Lemdenhall Street, patentocean-float-manufactuterta-.-Nov. os, To be Acting Assistant-Surgeons-H. H. Woolhouse, Gent{ vice -„Grifinopptited/ ivonmuoge Pi OV„ 1,, liennett, ._Christchurchi liananthire,:linen-draperr-Nov, 23: C. It. Nelson,. Go.,,nt':; A. 3. MaCkay; 31.D. ; A. E. T. Ifongliorst; Cent.; A: • .31_,L _.JewItt and ,fieklewood, Plymouth, stationers-,Nov. 22, -"nonagon; ,Lyme liegi,, Corbett, 3,1-.D. - ' .. . ,, .. , , ., ., . ,scrivensr-rNor..,20,1.Coveney, Manchester, . Silk-Manufacturer -Nov., '20, 'LiekleY, Mcitioranaluni.-The removal of Lieut. J. II. 11. Gammell, from the 22d to the - Tlairsk, Yorkshire, corn-meeehaar-Nar.'27, IlalMiimuff,.,Leed5,414x-np4imer-.:-,N0,.. 37th Itoot,..edilie27th Mn)- 1834, has been' enn.telled: 1 , ' ' 25, Jeeves, -.Sheffield, brush-Manufacturer -Nov.'21; WA'S ten.-Nektierjham, tracer On ice 01..tORDNANCE,,OcL 23.---Royalliegt. of Ant/Iffy-Second Cal d. W. J. E. -Nov. 21, Brailsford, Nottirighain, sioall%rare-i.ealer. Grout tube Capt.. 'dee Pawn, deceased ; First ,Lietit. W. J. Griihston to be Second DECLAILIT/014 Of. biTIVEND.- Gibbons, Wood Street., 40Aiw-,1.0,*stieli4peiiian • Captain vice•Gntnt; • &demi limit. W. - ft.' ' Lluellyn to be First Lieut. vice third div, of is. 2d, pn'Thursday next, and threv subsequent Thursdaya;., 44 rallan;:
Griniston -, Second Lieut., H. J. F. E. Hickes to be First Lieut. viceffinger, deceased ; Coleman Street. . .. .
Second Second Capt. C. 8.. Henry to be AAR. 'vice "impaling. promoted; Second SCOTCH SEQUESTHATIONS.-Gordon.. Grantown, Ioventess-shireimserehant, Noe, 4 Capt. EX. Hastings to he A.I jt.; Second Capt.. E. E, it. Dyneley to be Adjt. vice .• —Hay, Glasgow, farmer, Nov..6.- . .• .. • Itogers„promoted ;• Second Capt. G. CoLelough to be. Adjt, rice Field, who. resigns -. .. ... . _. the Adjutancy only ; Second Capt, U. Bent to be Adjt, %ice Paget, who resigns the Adjutancy only. ' ': P R I C E S 011.11 R. 11. ti:,--ki .,'," OFFICE:4N .0IIDEARCS, Oct. 25,.-RoyalRegt. of Artillery-W. B. Lord, Gent.- to be Veterinary Surgeon. . , '. ' .. . :... .