Tuesday, Oelebei. 24.
PARTNERSHIPS DissoLven.7-Clegg and Co. Rio de Janeiro, merchants-Dale and Worrell,' Liverpool, iron-merchants-Atkinson and Self. Siligifoin-uninv.flull,•bil-t manufacturers-Lancashire ud7 Co. Castle Doningtun, Leicestershire, hosiers..- Wright and IInetisori, Gibraltar, stare-keepers; no far as regards J. Wright., . Robinson and Makin, Edgeware and llendoo„.surgeons- E. and W. Brown, Co- ventry. watch-manufacturers-a. and W. Currie,, liirmingh am, drapers- Yates hod ' Brothers, Preston, wine-merchants -Hooters and Parker, Liverpool„ general brokers -Robinson and 31organ, Liverpool, cattle-salesmen-Spooner and Barftird, South- ampton, veterinary-.sur,geons- J. Ind' T. 31'Fadyerm, Truro, merchants:4meg. and Taylor. Leeds; bookbiudera- Craddock and Midges, Birmingham, carriers-.Ruabon Brewery_ Company,..Ruabon, Deribighshire.-Scott m141101% Ashford, grocers-Hicks and Orr, Birkenhead, shipwrights-Wright and Bateman, GoldsMith's Place, Hack- ney Head, shoe-manufacturers-S. and C. Leighton, Great Cambridge Street, 'Hack- ney Road, Coal.merehants -Broad and Upton, Qtreeti's PlaCe,''Coinmercial Road, linen-drape, s----Soar and Sniith,'EastbOurne Mews, WeStbourne Terrace, job-masters .Eliison and Co. commission-agents-Bowen and Brown, St. SwithiresLane,.tailtirs -Jelgar and Co. Enile5. YorkShire,. coal-miners; as far as regards it...Jaggar-r-. 31. A. and C. T. Phillip*, King Street, Soho, brush-makers-W. and J. B. Low, Arbroath, drapers.
13.tivancrrs.-Wittuat GMIIIWOOIT STIAL, Wehlcbs Square, .-glaSS-AlfilrehaUL, surrender Nov. 2, Dec. 7: solicitor, Wilson, Gresham treet ; official assielnee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-WiLerAtt BRODERICII b2t ALPE;, Taunton Plaoe; Re- gent's Park; dealer in mining-shares, Nor. '9, Dec. 11:- solicitors, Hiltyer and Fan- wick, Fenchurth Street; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street BeildingsPaks- CIS HUMPHRES ,SPANToic, Norwich, iunkeepEr„ Nov. 7, Dec: 7: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; Atkinson, Norwich; official assignee, Johnson, Bs- singhall Street-ROBUST ANDREWS, .Braintree, Essex, corn-merchant, Nov. 7, Dec. 7: solicitor, Reed, Ironmonger Lane; official aseighee, Johnson, Basinghall Street - THOMAS Norrea, Cambridge, brewer,Det. el, Dee.18 : solicitors, Baddeltyn, Leman Street ; Kips, Cambridge; official assignee,' Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- flashy Sans, Crown Court, Cheapside, woollen-warehouseman, Oct. 31, Dec. 13: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise. Lane; Baylis,, Red Cross Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- WiLwat DeNSI,Er, i:laventry, grocer, Nov. 4, Dee. 13: Austen and.De.Gex, Gray's Inn ;:ilarton and.Son,-Daventry; ' assignee, Pennell,-Guildhall Chambers GEORGE SETTIOLFIELti, Ipswich; grocer, -Oct 31, Dec. 13: solicitors, Nicholls end-Doyle, Gray's Inel Jennings, Ipswich; official assiplen. ;Cl4b01.o.n. Street--, AnnAiLA31, TS, Tottenham Court Road, Oct. 81, Nov..30:.- abliditor; Brahnm;riarnival's Inn ;' cial assignee, Lee, Alderman, bury-JOHN FuLtvreon;Birminghatn, candle Stir k-man =Direr, Nov. 3,30: solicitor, - Hawkes, Birmingham; offigial assignee. Bittleston, Birmingham-Jous 11.twiriss and.Rtuitar Ntepanst,' Sheeted, table-knife-manufacturers, Nov. 4, Dec. 9: solici- tor, Femell„Shellitdd ; official assignee, Brewia, Sheffield-EDWARD KHOO, Liver- pool, coal-dealer, Nov. 3, 30s solicitors, Stockley and Thompson, Liverpool; official assignee, . Turner., ..Liverpool..-lsanona Bantams, Liverpool, commission-agent, Nov. 7,28: solicitors; Evans and Son, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liver- potil-Rzenesib. FORSHAV; Liferpool,. rnachine4Waker, Nev. 7, 23: solicitor, Bremner, Llyerpool;. official 'assignee, Cazenove,LiverpOol-Jossmi SMITH and RALPH SIMP- soN; 'Burnley, iron-founders, Nov. 9, 30: solicitor, Slater, Manchester ; official as-
signee, Ilernaman„-Mancliester. - .
DIVIDENDS.- lioi14 ,13; Jesse - :Bssingstake,', corn-factor-Nov. 21, Hernsworth, Bishopsgate Street, wine-merchant-Nor. Stephens; Liverpool, shipowner-Nov. 21, J. and It. fates, Newcastle.vmon-Tyne, tea-dealers. CERTIFIEATES.-.7b be granted, unless ensue Sr 31105i.4 to: the contrary, on the day of Ozeeting.-Nov. 14, Speller; Warn ick Roed West; ,Paddiingon,lbeitsleki-iNok,:id,
lit'Calla.and Folle ringh am, ksiasy. Street, warehousein en or,
v tie Terrace.. Honorvak, Forest:AWL. builder-Nova 15, E. and.). ,Little Moorfields, carmen-Nov. 10, Geldart, North Shields, shipowner-Now 15,. Lowry, Salford, flaxspinner-Nov. 15, "Burrows, 'Stockport, silk-manufaottwerNor. 15, Mason, Manchester, stationer- Nov. 16, 1,awrenceson,,BlockpOol..lnukeeperNor.
16, Bonfield, Wolrerhampton. hOp:querchant. ' •
DECLARATION. .OF Difuman.-fhWaites, Addle Street, w'azehousenian; first die,. of 3s: 94d. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesday*: Lee, Alderinaribury.
Barron Se.,auipernarloss.- Davidson, Leith, ship-broker, Nov, 4-Jardine,' Edin- burgh, wine-merchant, Nor. 2. • ......• „
Priday, October 27.
. , .
PaatXv..tuerieli Disocrivin.-Ifuttrim, and CO. Suffolk, millers-Peyton and Son, Birmingham, chemists; as''far Sn regrir.s T. Hickling-Cheethent and Scholefiela, CaAleton Lower 'Mill,- -Rochdale,' vetttotiapintiers= C. and J. G. -Lee, Manchester, arcbitects-J. and P. Andrew,, Xtessley, Lnnceshire, cotton-spinders- 115uSlield and Co. Mancliester, tuannfaaturers- Kirrage and Co.-Mini:her and Rinks, Birmingham, mainsfacturers-Jeffery and Ca. :High; Street; ,Wilitiohapel, grocers-Cookson and Padbury, Broad Street„-Lambethj duat-contractors,Clay. and Whitehand, Fore Street; Cripplegate, ,erape-manufaeturers-Jeffreyli and 31organ, linen-drapers-Muff and Riley, Liveraedge; 'Yorkellire,'`Manufacturers of a certain article for tem.:wing incrustations from steam-boilers-Finery aid Hunter, Black- well, eTiginteXSSILIHIT and linigt.t,' Dehe4lban2„,ndlIcrs—Mercer, and Co. Radcliffe Bridge, Lancashire, cljers- Thompson and.Iteyues, ChiewellStreet, aiaegar.xlial8ecs, BANERcrrs. - EuwARD Sous', high.Stheet, at. Gilees, tVe-demier, to tirrender Nov. 9, Dee. 14: solicitors, ,Allen. and -Nicol, . Queen Street, Cheapside; official assignee,. Bell. •Craleman Street litSildings-.7.11onestr. Boise, hew, draper, Nov. 9, Dec. Ii; solicitors, Linklaters, .Sise Lane ;. official assignee. Johnson, Ba- singhallStreet,-Cirsittrs Lovett, Wisbeaeb, bOots manufacturer, Nov. 13, Dec, 14: solieitors, Abbott end Co. Widbeaell ; Watkins,' Wiabeach ; "OlfiCial (aseighee(Bell; Coleman Street Zlui1dlns-hicrutmn Watiandonkrocucx, 0111.Aewry,.. coffeehouse- keepe,r,. Nov. 13,Dec. 11: solicitor, Paterson, 'Old. 'PrOad. Street 1, • I/Iliad assigHete_ Johnson, Basinghall Strect-,SsareaL Casio, Nwieaton,grocer,Noe.lfr, Deci 7:,,Soli.; • citors, Craddock and Shelley, Nuneaton ; and Motteram and Knight,. Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-James 1tATCL1FF, Nottingham, hosier, Nov. 7, 28: solicitors, Bewley,' Nottingham ; llodrsen, Birmir,ghani; oflickil assignee, Harris, Nottingham- Jons InGLET, Nottingham, soda-water-Manufacturer, 'Nov. 14,Dec. 5: solicitor, Bowley, Nottingham; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-- Enwsan,Etaitsair.Newport, carrier, Nov. 7, Dec. "5: solicitors. Philpotts, Net-port; Besanniad ■Girliog,_liriatolt, official assignee, Miller, Ilristel,..SinnonTPApL4,11, Rath, carpenter, Nov. 7 Dec. I,: solicitor, Gibbs, Bath :,• official assi,gnee, ARRei.,.Bristol -Brea/am GAN', ;Lends; -ware-grinder; ;ki ov...14, Dee. : eolkitor; .N.aplor,, Leeds; official.aesignele,1 Hope, Leeds-Saxes% ltevrEas, York, Innkeeperp Novi'll4; Dec. 4: Riebarilsonti, Yot k; 'Buttner,- Leeds ; *official assignee,Hape, Leeds.=, JoSarit Bkooss, Salford4rOcer,- Hdr'.'9, snlicitors; Sole 'and en. Mar-bestir t official assignee, Herzmnianddancheater. • • . DITIDESIRses,N0Y. 18,,,Taphog,, Wood Street, carpet-warehouseman-Nov.. 21, F itsgessla, orilaad ,P1seavassi-utercliaut,li or. 21, Stidolph, Speen, Berkshire,