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ell au VI" Atat
.i. it) I, . 2. od bluow sates?, 1404111ij '..1 ...1 - The morning papers arefull of detailetkaaffligatit. -' -ffifYilla lux correspendence„which theybriardoitittatheriathainetnlit If 11,- we condense under tberhead of the,Crimawin,Waireivitaulltsgaii alsoapite, of the outcries of Ilie-" dismal' -,./Omtnietit--,of the tamii, itinppeaks :that bath officers and Menlfike iit'getid aillitga beaffitig,Itittir bbiiimandmitives; lions with courage atiO fOis. • ' rtelii*se'rffie*, IPLIttritiarr fere - large 0,F:1:tall, on the,T1, offence are not so ob viomi .10, '11-il eig41' '—ei,, a ' of the- qualities of the.- troepaqtai.etiolillig . a vic. ° ,.„ ing: Balaelava and the refixampr ,.1 at
and - defend, intrenchm entry f and:•teCplatitt t013 ,.. iii".M At :•/11.104,....4
Bnlaclava. Decisive news is not -newl:emseiffilfb.dirittlarbai -ALL November; but-of course it May:arrive,ntianyancrMenta eiaecl Di sbrm-i For the future, as the Tikes informituirrilewif from Ihruthisteasengi# to reach the French and British Goverfilliehte evernotheaselegflptOsanstiis will. depart for Varna once in fortyAght* Surs4,41iidbraltalaft tebtielerif will take the news to the telegraplorilhea'.. ' Ll. -.',=,. oaleit,201Seri.4"41;j1,1Z-:,Iii,V,1 : The telegraph supplies another so-calIcetkiiteladllali ' i., paliiiwk