Some years since Baron Liebig after many experiments dis- covered
a plan of making an "extract of meat," by which its bulk, nourishment for nourishment, was reduced to one-thirtieth. His plan was tried on the Continent, and at length taken up by a German settler in Uruguay, who established a factory at Fray Bentos. This establishment, which is to be greatly extended, exports about 4,000 lbs. of the preparation every year, and it can be purchased at 16s. per pound. That quantity will make soup for 128 men, and we are told on excellent authority that the extract is now being tried in several English hospitals with the best result. The soup, though not always nice, great care being required in the manufacture, is decidedly superior in nourishing qualities to the best beef-tea, and from its comparative cheapness will probably supersede it. The point now is to ascertain whether the poor will eat it, or will take one of their odd " fancies " about -cheap food. If they will, a boundless supply of good meat may be imported from Smith America at a price equivalent to less than six- pence a pound.