Mr. Justice Crompton Has, We Regret To Find, Been Compelled
by failing health to resign. He was one of the best, if not the very best, lawyer on the bench, and will not be easily replaced. It is said that Mr. Collier is not unlikely to......
The Emperor And Empress Of The French Have Both Visited
the cholera hospitals, an act of some policy and more courage,. The arizians, who believe that cholera is infectious, are enchanted vitll an act certainly dictated by real......
Monsignor Merode, Papal Minister Of War, Has Been...
Pope, long displeased with his dishevelled vehemence of action and manner, discovered that he had overdrawn his account as Minis- ter of War by 20,000 crowns, called the act a......
The Clubs Have Been Full Of Rumours Of Coming Changes
in the Ministry, but nothing will be certainly known till Monday, when the programme will have been submitted to the Queen. It is believed that the mot d'ordre of the Liberal......
Count Von Bismark Has Hurled Another Thunderbolt....
different Parliaments of Germany recently met in Frank- fort, to pass resolutions condemning the greater German Powers for absorbing Schleswig and Holstein, and appoint a......
News Of Tiie Week.
T HE idea of a private funeral for Lord Palmerston was aban- doned, it is said at the request of the Queen, and on Friday he was buried in Westminster Abbey, with a great......
Mr. Newdegate Pronouncel A Funeral Oration Over Lord Pal-...
as "the Tory head of a Radical Administration" last Wednesday, at a dinner at Sutton-Coldfield. Mr. Newdegate's manner is always a little lugubrious, so that it was quite in......