This week's return of the Bank of England exhibits important
and favourable changes as compared with the preceding state- ment. The leading alterations are a decrease of 513,908/. in the circulation of notes, an increase of 204,329/. in public deposits, a decrease of 733,681/. in private deposits, adecrease of 1,443,6451. in other securities, an increase of 429,255/. in the stock of bullion, and an increase of 927,595/. in the reserve of notes and coin. The stock of bullion is now 13,219,213/., and the reserve, 6,049,313/. The Bank minimum rate of discount remains at 7 per cent., the quotation for the best short-dated paper in the open market being per cent. The supply of bullion in the Bank of France is 17,231,036/. On Saturday last Consols left off at 891 for money, and 891- for account. On Thursday the closing prices were,—for transfer, 881 ; for time, 88k, 89.