28 OCTOBER 1876, Page 1

The Turks have apparently got tired of waiting for the

diplo- matists, and have attacked the Servians for four days successively. On the 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd, the Turks advanced with de- sperate courage, but were in every instance foiled, the Servians fighting steadily, and the Russians, when left without ammunition, driving them back with the bayonet. The total result of the en- gagements was, according to the correspondent of the Daily News, who was present, "to widen one side of the triangle in which the Turks are pinned." Djunis, which they are reported to have taken, is still, by the latest telegrams, in Servian hands. On the other hand, the Montenegrins are believed to have surrounded Mukhtar Pasha at Nisics, taking possession of the bridge by which he hoped to escape, and he is expected to capitulate. If there were only 50,000 of the Montenegrins the war would very soon assume a different aspect.