Qurrent Literature.
published, and is a thoughtful and concise resume of the question. The evils of the competitive and other examinations are strongly insisted on, and the system of specialism......
Madeleine; Or, A Noble Lift In A Humble Sphere. By
the Vicom- tease Solange de Berkadee. (Sampson Low and Co.)—If this book did not betray a strange ignorance of French life and French history, we should be disposed to regard it......
A Woman Scornej. By E. Owens Blackburne. (tinsley...
praise of novelty must be accorded to the device by which the hero- ine and the hero are first introduced to each other. She catches hold of what she fancies to be a dragon-fly,......
Dates And Data. (triibner And Co.)—the "dates And Data "
of this volume concern the "primeval period," and have to do with what the anther terms "religious anthropology." By this rather queer phrase he seems to mean man's history, as......
Omnipotence Belongs Only To The Beloved. By Mrs. Brewster...
(Edmonston and Douglas, Edinburgh.)—This is a strange book, with a strange title. We gather from the introduction that the authoress holds what is usually known as "......
I Ntroduction To The Study Of Chemical Philosophy. By...
Tilden, D.Sc., F.C.S. (Longmans, Green, and Co.)—Chemistry is too often taught in our schools in a slipshod manner. The experiments are performed before the class, the students......