The Government in Spain has got rid of General Martinez
Campos, but has not yet ended all its troubles. The Ministry affirm that they have seized a packet of letters which show that S. Zorrilla, now residing in France, has organised an insurrection on behalf of the Federalist, or, as they put it, the Socialist Republic. The plot involved eighteen Generals and above a hundred leading civilians, and was so well matured, that S. Zorrilla had ordered an immediate commencement of the insurrection. All concerned have been imprisoned to await trial, or exiled to the islands. If that story is true—and it may be invented to give the Ministry an excuse for asking for despotic power—a portion at least of the Army must be thoroughly discontented. S. Zorrilla knows Spain too well to trust entirely to the citizens of the large towns, or to appeal to Generals even en retraite to head a mere mob. The Liberal party is growing more and more discontented with this Government, though not, we fear, because it has denied to Pro- testants liberty to advertise their services. The discontent is said to be especially felt in Madrid, where King Alfonso seems to get no hold.