[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—" Scrutator " is too absurd. Everybody knows that peace was preserved by General Harington and Lord Curzon in spite of Mr. Lloyd George. So many of us Free Churchmen detest the ex-Premier, not because of any political disagreement with him (I for one voted for his candidate at the two last elections) but because of his vulgarity (as exhibited in his ill- mannered abuse of Lord Gladstone), his eternal ego and his cant. Some of his references to the Deity remind us singu- larly of some that floated across from Potsdam during the late War. We wish he would not advertise the fact of being a Free Churchman, for we are not proud of it. Sir William. Robertson Nicol, please note. And as for his sword being in his hand—Mr. Lloyd George might be expected to realize that it is not fighting this tired country wants, but a little time for recuperation.—I am, Sir, &c., Rontanhurst, Bromley, Kent. E. A. GURNEY-SNITIL