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further series of " Cambridge Plain Texts in English " (1s. 3d. net each). These are, the first book of Bacon's The Advancement of Learning, a work which is, in effect, a......
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S. King. 109. 6d. net.)—Dr. Dawson's monograph was written as a thesis for the London D.Sc., and is now published under the auspices of the London School of Economics and......
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little book is a summary of the three Reports of the Water-Power Committee of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies, which was appointed in 1917 "to report on what is at......
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MR. McKENNA ON THE CRISIS. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—So far as the crisis in home politics is concerned, the chief event of the past week has been the inter•......
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