WATER - POWER IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE. (Constable. 3s. 6d. net.)—This interesting
little book is a summary of the three Reports of the Water-Power Committee of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies, which was appointed in 1917 "to report on what is at present being done to ascer- tain the amount and distribution of water-power in the British Empire." Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Com- mittee, estimates that the potential hydraulic power of our Empire approaches 70 million continuous horse-power, of which little over two millions are as yet developed. The total power of all kinds used by the world's industries amounts to about 120 million h.p. Our colonies already derive one- third of their total industrial power from water. The Com- mittee advocate a systematic study of the water-power now running to waste, and this brief summary is good evidence of its desirability.