[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sur,—I have been reading in your issue of October 14th the following paragraph : " We are asked to send help to the Volga and Asia Minor, and it is right that we should be asked, but how is it that there is no organization of popular movements in the interests of the ruined and bereaved Irish loyalists ? " I hope you will forgive me for bringing to your notice the fact that there is a Southern Irish Loyalists' Relief Association, with its headquarters at 12 Palmer Street, Westminster. Lord Linlithgow is the chairman, and a, great deal of money has been collected during the last few months and many desperately sad cases relieved. The Committee has been especially successful in finding work for hundreds of R.I.C. men, and refugees come to the offices daily to get assistance in their dire need. It will be the greatest possible help if you will bring this Association to the notice of your readers, and I venture, as chairman of the Women's Branch of the S.I.L.R.A., to say that I should gratefully receive any
subscriptions sent to me at the address below, and forward them on to headquarters.—I am, Sir, &c.,
[We are glad to have this opportunity of calling attention, not for the first time, to this admirable Association. In our note of October 14th we were referring, of course, to the want of such popular movements as a Lord Mayor's meeting. —En. Spectator.]