As we have explained elsewhere, the surprising thing about the
Ministry of the new Prime Minister is the universality of satisfaction that has been expressed. As we understand the situation, there is no break in the Unionist Party. Mr. Bonar Law has no 0 thought of making was upon Mr. Chamberlain and his followers. As for the Chamberlainites, the farthest they go is to say in effect, " Some day you will be sorry to have got rid of Mr. Lloyd George and his followers, and you may have to buy them back at a great sacrifice," though what that sacrifice exactly is is not specified. The farthest that even Lord Birkenhead, who is supposed to be the wild man of the Party, would go was to say that he would not only never, desert Mr. Micawber, but that he would refuse to allow anybody to prevent him going on National Liberal platforms when he liked.