Important as is the stabilization of the nation's Government offered
by Mr. Bonar Law and his colleagues, only second in importance is the announce- ment of the stabilization of the Times made in Wednesday's issue of that great paper. It is announced that the shares in the Times Publishing Company owned by the late Lord Northcliffe, as well as those owned by Sir John Ellerman, have been acquired by Mr. John Walter, and that Major Astor is associated with Mr. Walter in their acquisition. It is added that it is the intention • of Mr. Walter and Major Astor to maintain the highest traditions of the Times, and to ensure its continuance as a national institution conducted solely in the best interests of the nation and the Empire. It is with the utmost satisfaction that we record this news. We shall say nothing of what has happened in the Times during recent years except to note that, in spite of all the difficulties with which the paper was conducted, it did contain not only a wonderful news service, but articles of the highest value, political, com- mercial and literary. In a word, in spite of the irresponsible steersmanship it remained the greatest paper -in the world—a fact which was in no small measure due to the tact and ability of Sir Campbell Stuart.