The policy of the Independent Liberals at the General Election
has been published under ten headings, which we cannot do better than quote :- " 1. Peace and disarmament made secure through the League of Nations.
2. The prompt revision and settlement of Reparations and Inter-Allied Debts.
3. Drastic economy in public expenditure and the abandonment of the policy of military adventures abroad. 4. Fulfilment by the community of its responsibility for securing the workers against the hardships of unemployment, co-operation between Capital and Labour, and honest and fair treatment of organized Labour as the only basis of industrial peace. 5. Unqualified Free Trade, with the immediate repeal of the Safeguarding of Industries Act and similar protective measures. 6. The defence of such essential social services as Education, Housing, and Public Health.
7. Political and legal equality for women and men. 8. A comprehensive reform of the existing Land System, including the Taxation and Rating of Land Values. 9. The democratic reform of ouro Licensing System. 10. Readjustment of our electoral system by the introduction of Proportional Representation.