From Mr Callum Fisken Sir: Hurrah for James Bartholomew's hard-
hitting piece on the dangers to civilisation of errant cyclists! This is just the sort of investigative reportage we demand from The Spectator.
May I humbly suggest that he now turns his sharp eye to the increasing problem of wayward pedestrians? We must have all grown tired of those who congregate in large groups in the middle of the pavement rather than stepping to the side, or thoie who walk hand-in-hand blocking the way to oncoming walkers, totally disregarding the principle of two-way traffic on the nation's streets. Per- haps he could suggest similar prescriptions: vigorous walking tests for would-be pedestri- ans (preferably at an impressionable age), one-way pedestrianisation of our streets and, of course, the mandatory wearing of safety helmets for all those venturing out of doors.
I am sure that this would sit as easily with the free-market, libertarian editorial stance of The Spectator as his recent piece, and would have the additional bonus of beating those super-efficient Dutch at their own game.
Callum Fisken