Blair-bashing Jaspistos IN COMPETITION NO. 2159 you were invited to write a verse lampoon on Tony Blair. This invitation elicited enough poetic Semtex to blow up not only No. 10......
No. 2162: The People's Choice
Recently, in a singularly silly poll of over 15,000 people, the following words were among the candidates to be the nation's favourite: serendipity, muggle, compassion, laconic,......
Crossword 1487: Name For Ship By Doc
A first prize of £30 and a bottle of Graham's award-winning, Late- Bottled Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 13 November, with two runners-up prizes of £20......
Solution To 1484: A Lory (anagram)?
alrin 3 E nierF R ‘ E (mama r naicemeisnare . . mieranciru mien A cruse", D km T H nen denoAe an T Epirs . an Res name wri 2-1- E ma . ni a , nermarinri T dri 0 111 1, 11 1166......