Administrative Separation : What Belgians in Invaded Belgium Think of
It. (T. Fisher Unwin. 6d. net.)--AL Carton de Wiart, the Belgian Minister of Justice, in a Preface to this collection of eloquent protests of Belgians in Belgium against the administeative separa- tion of the Flemish and Walloon districts, points out that the Germans are trying by craft to weaken the Belgian spirit, which wasurtaffected by their violence and their robberies. There was a strong Flemish movement before the war, but its leaders have nothing to do with the sham agitation concocted by the enemy for his own purposes.
The leading Belgian officials who remained at their posts protest most strongly in one of the documents against the wholesale arrests of those officials who resigned when the illegal German decree of administrative separation was issued. Thousands of these patriotic men have been arrested and sent to Germany, in defiance, as usual, of international law and common decency. However, the Germans will have to pay in the end for all these outrages.