The Society Of Friends And The War. [to .t92 Editor
OF THE " SPECTATOR."' Ssn,—Mr. R. Christie Burn " fights as one that beateth the air," and while repudiating my figures corroborates them by his own. If, as he tells us, his......
Indians In East Africa.
[To THE Emma or THE " SPECTATOR."' SLR,—I have read with much appreciation your article of September 7th commenting on the curious suggestion of Sir Theodore Morison that the......
Mr. Lloyd George And His Government. [to The Editor Or
THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—Will you allow a reader of your paper for about twenty years to say how much I agree with your criticism of the Prime Minister and his Government ? It is......
Letters To The Editor.
[Letters of Me length of one of our leading paragraphs are Wen more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] THE WOMAN'S SENIOR WAR SERVICE.......
[to Ram Emma Or The " Elpsorrroa."3
Sm,—Has it never occurred to " V.A.D. Commandant " that till quite recently the British Army was a " voluntary " Army ? Yet no one ever suggested that, being " voluntary," it......