We read in the Nation of last week the following
comment on President Wilson's magnificent promptness and decisiveness in answering the Austrian proposal of a non-binding effort in secret diplomacy : " Mr. Wilson will not have vindicated democracy. He will merely have impoverished it. The Allies will not have saved the small nations. They will have ruined them." We have often had occasion to point out that President Wilson's idealistic and Lincoln-like determination to see the war fought to a decision was being grossly misrepresented in this country by people who desired to claim him as their leader in opinions which he has neverprofessed. " You ask me," said Lincoln, " how long this war must stilt go on. It will go on until our task shall have been accomplished, until our just cause shall have triumphed." So, in effect, says President Wilson. Although the words of the Nation and its allies are very unflattering to President Wilson, it is all to the good that it and they should at length have discovered the truth.