"SPECTATOR.') SIR,—I have beard it said that when the Church of Scotland drove forth into exile two of the very ablest and most spiritual Christian, teachers of our times, Dr. McLeod Campbell and the late A. J.. Scott, one of them said to the other, "We will live to bless them, yet." I know not whether the words were said ; they easily might. have been, for nothing could more truly express the spirit in which two noble and faithful men have lived to bless that Church and all Churches. Who can measure the influence which such teaching as theirs has exerted on the minds and hearts of those who have been the leaders of that progress which has made Dr.. McLeodCampbell a man whom the first men in Scotland delight. to honour, and to whom Dr. McLeod so gracefully and generously: acknowledged their debt ?
Such teachers as Dr. Campbell and Mr. Scott are like the high, wave in an advancing tide ; they mark far up on the shore the line - to which the whole ocean will advance in time. But at what cost do such men work ! We can no longer talk of the blood of the martyrs. We keep our martyrs alive in these days, but we tor- ment them none the less. There are things far harder to bear- than death, and amongst them perhaps life-long isolation. I sup-- pose that the tears of the martyrs are the seed of the Church still,. and will be to the end of time.—I am, Sir, &c., J. BALDWIN BROWN.