29 APRIL 1871, page 2

The Opposition To The Licensing Bill Increases Rapidly,...

may be now be said that the whole body of English publicans are - ranged against it, and intend to "subordinate party feeling to' their own safety." They object to the Bill on......

M. Thiers On Thursday Evening Made A Most Confident Speech

to the Assembly. He had obtained an army ; he had placed Marshal Macmahon, a "chevalier without fear and without reproach," at its head ; and however painful it might be to give......

Mr. Disraeli Followed Mr. Gladstone By A Demand That The

con- sideration of this completely transformed Budget, of which the leading feature was, as he remarked, "a sweet simplicity," should be postponed till Monday. The new Budget......

On Monday The Match-box Makers Of London Resolved To Make

a demonstration, and some 10,000 very poor but peaceable girls and boys, intermingled with a few roughs, endeavoured to march to Westminster Hall with their petition. It appears......

Mr. Lowe Made One Of His Most Inopportune And Irri-

tating speeches among the Civil Engineers this day week, —an entourage in which he always seems to be in high spirits, and where his freaks generally get him, like Tony Lumpkin,......

Prince Bismarck On Monday Made A Speech To The German

Reichstag in which he stated that Germany had 600,000 troops in France, and he could move 200,000 on Paris, but he had been unable to recommend intervention to the Emperor. He......

A Most Important Telegram From China Was Received In London,

on the 26th inst. It bears date April 12th, and states that the- Chinese Government has formally and officially demanded that. female schools be abolished, that teaching against......

By The Latest Accounts, M. Thiers Was Attacking Paris In

earnest. His idea appears to be to enter by Forts Issy and Vanvres, which are accordingly being shattered to pieces. They have not, how- ever, been stormed, nor have the troops......

Mr. Lowe Replied Briefly, Diaclaiming Utterly The...

" hints " which had been attributed to his various ex- pressions of private opinion ; but conceding that a good deal of reference to "prospective" finance was, under the......

Louis Blanc, Who May Be Taken To Represent The Moderate-

Socialists, the Socialists who would be content with a Poor Law and a progressive income-tax, has finally declared against the pro- gramme of the Commune. He prefers a Republic......