" Disturbances " continue in Barbadoes, but as to -their
ex- tent, consequences, or object, very little trustworthy evidence seems obtainable. The West-Indian Committee in London re- ceived on Monday a telegram from Barbadoes, dated the 22nd April, and signed by the "Defence Association," and couched in these terms :—" Riots throughout island. Plantation houses sacked. Animals destroyed. Enormous destruction of property. Over 40 rioters shot. Troops actively employed. City threat- ened. Business suspended. Families seeking shipping. Rioters repeat they have Governor's sanction. Hennessy's immediate recall requisite to save Colony." On Thursday the Colonial Bank received another telegram from their local manager, dated 26th April, which stated that rioting had been suspended, but that forty persons had been killed and wounded, and that 500 prisoners had been taken, an account which seems to confirm the statements of the Defence Association. All this while, however, the Colonial Office, though -making strict inquiry, received no confirmation of these alarming reports. On the contrary, Mr. Pope Hennessy, Governor of the island, telegraphs on the 21st and 22nd that "disturbances " have occurred, and the planters are alarmed, and thirty persons have been arrested, and one man has been shot by the police ; and that in consequence of the panic, he had sent for troops to Jamaica, Demerara, and Trinidad. On Thursday, Lord Carnarvon tele- graphed for more explicit information, and received in reply the following unmistakable and detailed telegram :—" Disturbances ceased since Saturday ; number of prisoners taken during the riot, 90; and on suspicion of riot and having received stolen goods, 320; killed, 1; died of wounds, 2; wounded, 16; police fired twice ; no sugar-works injured. My only anxiety is as to gentle- 'men threatening extreme measures." Clearly, the West-Indian -Committee have been. imposed upon. Mr. Hennessy can have ino motive for inventing statements which, when exposed, must =in him.