A Slight Change Appears To Have Occurred In The Eastern
question during the week. The Porte, excited by Mukhtar Pasha's tele- grams, had almost decided to invade Servia and Montenegro, and trust to the non-interference of the......
The Merchant Shipping Bill Has Been Struggling Slowly...
this week, the Government having shown, as usual, the greatest vacillation, and declared only on Thursday, through the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that they hoped they saw a......
Sir Fowell Buxton Has Failed In His Gallant Attempt To
carry North Norfolk. If Yarmouth had been restored to its rights as a borough, he might have succeeded, but the mass of voters there who become county voters through the......
The Contest Between The Government Of Denmark And The...
party is advancing to a crisis. The King, it will be re- membered, dissolved the Folksthing, nominally because the majority refused certain votes for the national defences, but......
The Spanish Minister Of Finance Presented His Budget On...
the 22nd inst. He estimated the revenue at 1,26,500,000, and the expenditure at 126,100,000, including £6,880,000 for the service of the Debt. He proposes to pay off the......
The Government Of France Is Determined To Conciliate...
to show that it believes in the Republic. Accordingly it has sanc ti one d a u n i versa l Fyhibition of Industry and Art for May 1, 1878. The Prefect of the Seine, M. Ferdinand......
The Division Showed A Worse Result For The Friends Of
the wome,n's franchise than any division since the Parliament of 1868 was summoned, if we except at least the accidental triumph which the Women's franchise Bill had in 1870 in......
Lord Stratheden And Campbell Called Attention On Thursday...
the abrupt dismissal of Mr. Grignon, the successful Head Master, for twenty years back, of Foisted School, by the Trustees of that school, without a hearing, and without any......
The Best Discussion Hitherto Held On The Women's...
tion came off on Wednesday in the House of Commons on Mr. For- syth's Women's Disabilities Removal Bill, when the great feature of the debate was the speech of Mr. Bright, who......