The contest between the Government of Denmark and the Radical
party is advancing to a crisis. The King, it will be re- membered, dissolved the Folksthing, nominally because the majority refused certain votes for the national defences, but really, it was suspected, because he did not wish a Radical Ministry to obtain power. The new elections terminated on the 25th inst., and the Radical majority has only been increased. Formerly they were only 60 out of 102, but now they are 75 out of the same number, enough to pass a two-thirds vote. It is believed that the King will dissolve again, but as that would be a coup d'itat with- out any of the advantages of one, we imagine some com- promise will be discovered. The best would be to admit the Radicals to power, and let that cool them, as it always does. They are not asking for anything very dangerous, after all, —Disestablishment, fixity of land-tenure, and an income- tax being their more immediate objects. They were strongly opposed at the elections by the Socialists, but the leader of this latter party, M. Pie, was defeated by a National Liberal by tw- to one.