29 APRIL 1876, Page 15



,Gearge. Well, surely, that's a purty caafe,

IS a black 's a cwoal : is th' wold un saafe?

She looks main wicked : soa, my lass,

Wall, have 'ee heard what's come to pass?

Jan. Noa, sure; what's up? for lain't my mission,

Ye knaws, to be a pollytician.

rGearge. Well then, I'll tell 'ee. Them there yokes

To Lunnon, zure as I be Nokes, 'A ben and 'vented a new naame

To call our Quaan by. Jan. Shaame, man, sha.ame !

What ! do 'em want to have a Public?

Lard ! I be zick o' that there subjeck.

There's Bill, 'ee do go on amazin' When once you sets him off a blazin' About they 'Merikins, and all Their vartues constitootional.

But latterly I zeems to zee They bain't more honest yokes nor we.

Onless wold Dizzie's a black liar :

She's Impress. Jan. What d'ye my, my sun?

Like that pore laady what's a-run

Vrom Vrance ? Gearge. 'Ees, sure, the very saame,

Leastways not runnin', but the naame.

Jan. Then tell 'ee what, rll just be bound

They wants to drag our Quaan to ground.

That Dizzie, aye, he plays his part, Is a darned Radical to heart.

Impress o' Inglandl Gearge. Stop there, Jan,

Ye ain't heard all ; hold hard, my man :

Impress o' Ingy. Jan. Wuss and wines.

" Who cares for thay black yokes a cuss?

,Gearge. Soft, Jan, you're cash's as black 's a nigger, And yet, you'll own, a putty figger.

Ingins is men, Jan. Jan. What's the odds?

A yoke as worships chaney gods ;

What's our Quaan got to do wi' they?

And Impress, so you're plaased to say, Is a peg higher up than Quaan ; What do they thievish Tories maan, To shove in here a title rotten That England's Quaan may be forgotten?

.Gearge. Hush, Jan ! here let me name your caafe, Black Impress. Jan. Aye, Geroge, you may laafe,

'Tie got past jokin'. I do 'low Thic naame nit for my black sow; But this 'ere heifer, neat and cane, She's not Black Impress, but Black Qualm.