Benedictine. By E. H. Lacon Watson. (Grant Richards. 3s. 6d.)
—Many of our readers will recognise some of these "sketches of married life" as having entertained them in the columns of the Pall Mall Gazette. They were certainly worth collecting, though such things, however good, inevitably suffer from being massed together. When they relieve the reader who has just got through a column or so about the money market, or a dismal narrative about some "outrage" or "horror," they naturally please more than they do when there is nothing serious or tragic to set them off.—Madonna Mia, and other Stories. By Clement Scott. (Greening and Co. 35. 6d.)—The contents of this volume also have for the most part, we imagine, already seen the light. There are ten short stories, of which "Bob's Return" is, to our mind, the best. May we suggest to Mr. Clement Scott that the "house surgeon" at a hospital is not likely to be a "Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons " ? The office is held for a short time by a young man who has just qualified. The F.R.C.S. is an honour that comes later in life.