The Development Of Thrift. By Mary Wilcox Brown....
Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—Miss Brown quotes from the letter of a "College Settlement worker" the opinion that ordinarily thrift is "rather demoralising, because it is so absorbing, so......
Among The Wild Ngoni. By W. A. Elmslie. (oliphant, Ander-
son, and Ferrier.)—The Ngoni are a tribe closely connected with Zulu history. Chaka conquered them, by treachery, it was said, and they left their country to find refuge......
Current Literature.*
SOME BOOKS OF TILE WEEK. [Under this Heading we notice such Books of the week as have not ions reserved for review in other forms.] A Soul's Pilgrimage. By Charles F. B. Miel,......
The Statesman's Year-book. Edited By J. Scott Keltie,...
the Assistance of J. P. A. Kenwick, M.A. (Macmillan and Co. 10s. 6(1.)—This periodical volume—now in its thirty-sixth year -.—Ites so well established itself under Dr. Keltie's......
The0logy.--77ie Roman Primacy, A.d. 430451. By The Rev....
(Longmans and Co. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Rivingtou crosses swords with Professor Bright and Dr. Harnack,—impar congressus. He made for himself, years ago, a certain reputation as an......
Ffediaral Towns : Nuremberg. By Cecil !imam. (j. 31. Dent
and Co. 35. Cd. net.)—This unpretending little volume, of the same odes as the volume on Rouen, lately noticed in these columns, containi, as does its companion, a great wealth......
27te Century Magazine, November,1898—april, 1899....
Nicholas Magazine. Edited by Mary Mapes Dodge. (Same publishers. 8s. 6(L)—We have here the half-yearly volumes of these two magazines, both of them hold- ing : their own : in a:......