The Statesman's Year-Book. Edited by J. Scott Keltie, LL.D., with
the Assistance of J. P. A. Kenwick, M.A. (Macmillan and Co. 10s. 6(1.)—This periodical volume—now in its thirty-sixth year -.—Ites so well established itself under Dr. Keltie's editorial care as a standard work of reference that it is not necessary to do more than chronicle its appearance. It may be as well to say that it consists of two parts,—the first, extending to three hundred and thirty-three pages, describes the British Empire ; the second, with eight hundred and fifty-nine, is devoted to the rest of the world. Some very con- venient tables, giving a conspectus of area, population, public Debt, commerce, /cc., are prefixed to the book. The editor warns us against building arguments upon them. They are meant, he says, for "convenience of reference, not for the purpose of comparison?' The methods on which the totals are computed vary so much that no comparison is possible. One curious fact may, however, be noted. Twenty-two countries are enumerated (Austria-Hungary being reckoned as one, though separated here). The imports in three only are exceeded by the exports. These three are Spain, Beryls, and the United States. Spain has £1 16s. against £2 2s. 2d. (per head of population) ; Servia, 15s. 8d. against 19s. 4d. ; and the States, E1 19s. 6d. against £3 17s. 7d. If the excess of exports over imports indicates wealth, Spain is much better off thanve are. The account of the Navy, revised by Mr. John Leyland, is of course profoundly interesting. • We have sixty battleships (1st class, thirty-seven ; 2nd, seven ; 3rd, eighteen), thirteen coast defence ships, a hundred and thirty-four cruisers, and two hundred and eleven gunboats and torpedo craft.