M. de Blowitz in the Times of Thursday gives a
very curious story as to the manner in which the Figaro became possessed of the full text of the evidence given in the Dreyfus case. The story is that "the daughter of one of the Ministers one of-the most intelligent ladies of- the French official world-, wished. by this means to put an end to the dangerous mystery and to attempts to mislead." According to the editor, the person to whom he was indebted for the depositions was ready to accept the responsibility if any other was unjustly accused, and the editor added : ," In that case there will be a burst of laughter throughout the world." We agree with M. de Blowitz that if the suggestion is true—which he is inclined to believe—France owes this mysterious lady a deep debt of gratitude. The publication of the evidence has, it is to be hoped, made a new trial an absolute necessity, and it has also, one cannot help thinking, made a military revolution impossible. It is un- thinkable that the rifles will fire to shield the General Staff.