The debate in Committee on the London Government Bill on
Tuesday was largely concerned with nomenclature, Mr. Stuart, the champion of the County Council, reinforced by Sir Charles Dilke and Mr. Birrell, developing a remarkable hostility to the term "borough." Mr. Balfour, on the other hand, contended with much reason that the use of the term would enhance the dignity and stimulate the energies of these subordinate areas. It was agreed, on the Motion of Mr. Balfour, acting on a suggestion by Mr. Piokersgill, that every unscheduled borough should be formed "with due regard to efficiency of administration, local history and association " ; also, that every such borough should have a population between one hundred thousand and four hundred thousand, or if the population is below one hundred thousand, a rateable value exceeding £500,000. A determined effort was made by Mr. Bousfield to substitute a minimum limit of fifty thousand, but Mr. Balfour would not give way. They would, as he pointed out, be stultifying themselves if, after accepting an amendment requiring the Commissioners to look to the history and association of any locality, they were then to introduce a limit of fifty thousand to indicate the idea at which the Commissioners should aim. On Thursday the House again took up the consideration of the Bill, but with little practical result. There was a confused debate and still more confused voting on the question of whether women should sit on the new Councils, but in the end it was agreed that the whole matter must be reconsidered. Mr. Buxton's proposal to substitute triennial for annual elections was also adjourned. We trust that in both cases the Government will follow the precedent of the rest of the Municipal Councils.