The oratory called forth by the Cromwell tercentenary was not
of a very high order or merit. Some of the speeches, indeed, had Cromwell been able to hear them, would have almost compelled him to repeat the famous sentence, "Leave your fooling, and come down." We must, however, say a word as to those who, like Mr. Lloyd-George, seem to think that could Cromwell return to the earth he would join the ranks of the Home-rulers and Little Englanders. In reality, of course, Cromwell was the first and greatest of Unionists and Imperialists. He would never have yielded an inch to the demands of the Separatists. So strong was his Imperialism that he desired to make the name of an Englishman as respected as that of a Roman when the world trembled before the Civis Bonanza sum. He would not even have agreed with Mr. Lloyd-George about the Peers, for he actually himself created a second House composed of Lords. It is even doubtful if he would have helped to pass the new and more stringent Aet of Uniformity now called for, for toleration and comprehension were the basis of his religious ideas. Without doubt, if Cromwell were now alive, his lot would be cast with the - Unionists, and not with the Home-rulers. Was it not Cromwell who said :—" I had rather be overrun with a Cavalierish interest than with a Scottish interest, and with a Scottish than an Irish interest, for I think of all, this is the most dangerous. If they [i.e., the Irish] shall be able to carry on their work, they will make this the most miserable people on the earth"?