29 APRIL 1899, Page 31


Sin,—The hatred of Protestants in France to which your correspondents allude is not to Protestants as such, but that owing to the occult power that governs France (Freemasonry) they have been foisted into all possible responsible official posi- tions, not from any superior merits, but simply to exclude Catholics. That is, I believe, the reason of the dislike enter- tained for them. Frenchmen, generally, are too indifferent, both as to religion and as to divergence of creeds, to hate any one for his particular belief. The hatred to Protestants if it exists in France, is iiot to be compared to that manifeste:d by English Protestanti towards Romanism, Popery, &c., as may be seen any day in the daily papers.—I am, Sir, &c., Samer, Pas de Calais, France, April 21st. J. BERNA.RD.