Modern Opera Houses and Theatres. By E. 0. Sachs. 3
vols. (Botsford. .£15 15s.)—The last volume of the monumental work on playhouse architecture has now appeared. The author has spared no pains in so arranging his facts, both plans and letter- press, so that comparisons may be made between the different models he criticises. According to Mr. Sachs, England is far behind the rest of Europe in the building of theatres, both as regards the comfort of the audience and also as regards the equipment of the stage. The most completely organised house now seems to be the Court Theatre at Vienna. The work before us is in no sense a handbook, but an exhaustive technical treatise, though at the same time good reading for any one caring about the details of theatres.
Messrs. Longmans and Co. are publishing in monthly parts, at 3s. each, Reproductions of Decorative Art selected from the South Kensington Museum. The work is larger than an ordinary illus- trated weekly paper, so that the specimens are large enough to be of use to those who practise the arts represented. The selection made by Mr. Witthaus seems a good one, as there is plenty of variety.