29 APRIL 1938, Page 1


THE visit of the French Premier and Foreign Minister to London is qpportune and welcome. Whatever the subjects of their discussions with British Ministers, they can include nothing in the remotest degree aggressive in relation to any other county, and Germany in particular, on the eve of Herr Hitler's much more spectacular visit to Signor Mussolini, can find no kind of ground for criticising the exchange of view between representatives of the British and French Governments. One question that must necessarily arise is the relation of both countries to Italy. An Anglo- Italian agreement has been concluded ; a Franco-Italian agreement is in course of negotiation. 'The former has achieved something already, for the cessation of hostile propaganda and the changed tone of the Press of both countries are very definite benefits in a world where strains seem to be perpetually increasing rather than diminishing. But there is considerable uneasiness, and to all appearance considerable ground for it, regarding Italian activities in Spain. More than two months ago Mr. Chamberlain made it clear to Signor Grandi that an essential condition of any agreement was that Italy should refrain from materially altering the Spanish situation by sending fresh reinforcements to Spain. The word " materially " is no doubt open to various inter- pretations, but if the good impression the Italian agreement has so far made is not to be rapidly dispelled convincing assurances regarding the volume of recent arrivals of Italians in Spain are very necessary.

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