29 APRIL 1938, page 19

Discrimination In Northern Ireland [to The Editor Of The...

Sta,—I have read the letter of Viscount Charlemont, late Minister for Education in Northern Ireland, in your issue of April 22nd, with interest. Whatever his system may be in......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator]

SIR,—I share the angel's fear of butting in—but how does Mr. E. C. Ferguson reconcile his statement that "in England, Roman Catholics get no Government assistance towards the......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator] Sir,—with Reference To The

letter of mine under the heading "How Vienna Went Nazi" which you published in your issue of April 15th, I find that an unfortunate misprint has occurred. The first sentence of......

How Vienna Went Nazi

• [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—Mr. Crossman, writing in your issue of April 15th, 3 bjects to what he calls my attitude of superiority towards a form of government......

Europe From Prague

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR' SIR,—I am really surprised that the Press Attachi: of the Hungarian Legation should reopen in your columns the ques- tion of educational......