29 APRIL 1938, Page 53

HUDSON'S BAY OUTLOOK Mr. Patrick Ashley Cooper's account of the

operations of the Hudson's Bay Company was fascinating and even romantic. At Tuesday's meeting he took the proprietors over the ground of the company's trading posts in arctic Canada and announced the completion of an arctic chain of posts and the establishment of a new North West passage. But it was not an optimistic account. His general conclusion was that he could not hold out any hope of marked improvement in the results of the current year, and indeed that the company will be fortunate if it can maintain even the reduced profit it shows in respect of the 4Past year. Up to the middle of the autumn, he said, the business recession in the United States had not caused any serious decline in the company's Canadian business. If there should be an improvement in the U.S.A. the company might be able to sustain its progress. If the American recession should continue or develop into a major depression then the

company's situation would indeed be difficult. * * * *